From the Heads of the Hollers (no signed)

From the Heads of the Hollers

Autore/Author: Shelby Lee Adams
Editore/Editor: Gost
Dimensioni/Dimensions: 28,0× 36,0 cm
Pagine/Pages: 178
Lingua/Language: English
Anno/Year: 2023



Ogni estate, per oltre 40 anni, Shelby Lee Adams si recava sulle montagne del Kentucky orientale per scattare fotografie. Ora che ha settant’anni, Adams è tornato al suo archivio di immagini inedite scattate tra il 1974 e il 2010. Il suo obiettivo era quello di stampare quelle che in precedenza potevano essere state trascurate, preoccupato che se non le avesse stampate durante la sua vita, le fotografie non sarebbero mai state stampate. fatto. Quasi 90 di queste fotografie inedite sono incluse nel suo nuovo libro From the Heads of the Hollers, che ritraggono la cultura e la gente della sua terra natale.


Every summer for over 40 years, Shelby Lee Adams travelled to the mountains of Eastern Kentucky to take photographs. Now in his 70s, Adams has returned to his archive of unpublished images taken between 1974 and 2010. His aim was to print those which may have been previously overlooked, concerned that if he did not print them in his lifetime, the photographs would never be made. Nearly 90 of these unpublished photographs are included in his new book From the Heads of the Hollers — portraying the culture and people of his native land.

A donation of 10% of proceeds from sale of the book (after pre-orders have finished) purchased directly from will be donated to Team Kentucky Flood Relief Fund.

HUCK magazine
The Guardian
Photobook Journal
Polka magazine
Blind magazine
The Eye of Photography

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